Purging and breaking out are two of the most common skin problems. But how do you know if you’re purging our breaking out before taking any action to treat them?
Differentiating between purging and breaking out is important to ensure you are taking the right steps to treat your skin issue.
Generally, purging is the result of a new skincare product or routine. It usually appears as small bumps that look similar to acne but will heal within a few weeks with proper care. Purging can also cause redness or inflammation in the area where it occurs.
Breakouts, on the other hand, are caused by a variety of things including hormones, stress, lack of sleep and poor hygiene. They appear as larger bumps that can be more severe and take longer to heal than purging. Breakouts can also cause redness or inflammation in the area where they occur.
To distinguish between purging and breaking out, it’s important to look at the symptoms. If you are using a new skincare product or routine and start to develop small bumps that heal within a few weeks, then it is likely purging. However, if your skin appears to be inflamed and you have bigger bumps that don’t seem to go away after several weeks, then it’s more likely that you are breaking out.
One way to tell the difference is by looking at the size, shape, and location of your skin lesions. If they are small, round bumps that appear around the mouth and nose, on either side of the forehead or in other areas where you already have a lot of oil production, it’s likely purging. Breakouts usually consist of larger, more inflamed bumps that can appear anywhere on the face or body.
The key factor in telling them apart is timing. Purging usually occurs within four to six weeks of starting a new skin care product or treatment, such as a topical retinoid, an acid peel, or laser therapy. Breakouts on the other hand can happen any time and are often triggered by hormonal fluctuations, diet changes, stress, and other environmental factors.
If you’re still having trouble telling the difference between purging and breaking out, it’s always best to speak with your dermatologist or skin care specialist for advice. They can help diagnose your condition properly and provide the best treatment options for you.
Once you have identified that you are either purging or breaking out, it’s important to take action immediately. To treat purging, give your skin time to adjust and make sure to use gentle cleansers and moisturizers. For breakouts, try using over the counter acne treatments or visiting a dermatologist for prescription treatments. With the right treatment and care, you can get your skin back to looking healthy and clear again!